Getting Started

Know what to ask

Aeros uses methods from the quart module, which itself copies the syntax of flask. You may treat an Aeros.WebServer instance just like a quart.Quart instance.

Most of the Flask documentation also applies to Quart and therefore to Aeros. Use it!


  • install the Aeros module to your Python interpreter of choice:

    pip install -U Aeros
  • open up your favourite IDE and create a new project

The bare minimum

The following code block sets-up a very basic web server that can be accessed via HTTP for example by your browser:

from Aeros import WebServer

app = WebServer(__name__)

async def just_say_hello():
    return "Hi, I am your new backend :)"

You should now be able to access localhost in your browser and get a response.

Adding endpoints

If you wish to host multiple “pages”, you can just add another function and decorate it with the @app.route() decorator:

from Aeros import WebServer

app = WebServer(__name__)

async def just_say_hello():
    return "Hi, I am your new backend :)"

async def say_bye():
    return "Good bye, friend :("

Implementing logic

When implementing logic to answer your requests, you need to pay close attention as to what you are executing. Since Aeros runs asynchronous, one needs to await certain operations. This is the case for asynchronous operations like render_template() which renders an HTML page. But since Aeros has to look up the contents from your hard disk first, we have to wait 1 or 2 milliseconds before it can send the answer. That’s why we write await in front of it.

from Aeros import WebServer
from quart import render_template

app = WebServer(__name__)

async def homepage():
    return await render_template('index.html')


Make sure to always import methods from the quart module, not flask, since Flask runs synchronous and therefore does not work with an asynchronous web server. Fore more information, see What’s async programming

Detailed Examples

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